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    Safety Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

    Safety Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (SFMEA)

    Over the last year and a half, Fastco’s safety team has been developing a Safety Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (SFMEA). We identify safety and health risks using a failure modes and effects analysis. We adopted this from the quality methodology used in the automotive industry to reduce the risk of product failure.

    The Purpose of SFMEAs

    The purpose is to identify risk and put into place controls that lower risk.  We identify every hazard in the facility with a severity, probability of occurrence, and current methods of detection prevention.  Then, we rate severity, occurrence, and current detection controls on a scale of 1-10.  They are multiplied together creating a risk priority number (RPN).  The goal is to work on hazards with high RPN and put in place controls that lower the occurrence and increases prevention.

    Updating Safety FMEAs

    Departments within the organization update their SFMEA on an annual basis.  Examining occurrence data from the list of hazardous or potentially unsafe activities in each department allows an evaluation of whether current practices are effective and if implemented improvement have led to statistical improvements in accident prevention.  In addition, when an accident or injury occurs in a department, we re-evaluate SFMEAs to determine if we need to recalculate the RPN. This could be due to an additional occurrence of a type of injury and for an evaluation of whether additional controls are possible and/or appropriate—different guard, additional PPE, and re-vamped training for example. In this respect, the SFMEA is a living document, updated and amended to address specific safety situations.

    SFMEAs and Risk Management

    The establishment of SFMEAs also allows for a historical record of risks within the facility, including how risks have been handled, what controls and improvements have been implemented, and what the success rate has been for implemented improvements.  The SFMEA is a tool to help everyone take charge of their own safety. With SFMEAs, each team member reviews hazards and comes up with ideas for making their workplace safer. SFMEAs also provide a place to review and record those ideas. Overall, the SFMEA provides a solid foundation for a culture of continual improvement.