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    Building an Engaged Workforce


    What is an Engaged Workforce?

    What do we mean by an “engaged workforce?” You might not know the definition, but you can probably picture someone on your team that embodies the company’s values and purpose in everything they do. An engaged employee is one who is committed to their organization’s culture and mission as well as to their team. They work with enthusiasm, always looking to improve on the status quo.

    At Fastco, we are always striving to meet customer expectations through continuous innovation.


    Benefits of an Engaged Workforce

    Truly engaged employees can deliver many benefits to the company itself as well as the customers they serve, including:

    • Increased productivity and efficiency
    • Improved quality of products
    • Better customer service
    • Reduced waste and fewer errors
    • Increased innovation

    Leaders within companies want an engaged workforce. Customers want to work with companies that have an engaged employees, as this improves the customer service and quality experience. So how do you foster engagement?

    A collage of photos from Fastco’s Great Game of Business Launch


    The Great Game of Business as an Engagement Tool

    At Fastco, we follow the Great Game of Business strategy for developing an engaged workforce via five key points:

    1. Transparency: This includes open-book management, but also involves giving employees a clear line of sight as to how they can affect the bottom line.
    2. Future Focus: We forecast every month where we think we will be as a means of affecting changes and improving outcomes.
    3. Financial Literacy: Our employees are taught basic financial literacy so that they can understand how the company is doing. This knowledge helps break down barriers between managers and staff and between departments.
    4. Open Communication: We openly discuss obstacles, innovations, successes, and struggles within our company to create an atmosphere of collaboration and teamwork.
    5. Recognition: We applaud the efforts and achievements of individuals and teams. This goes a long way in creating a workforce that feels valued and important.

    Fastco’s quality policy is striving to meet customer expectations through continuous innovation. We believe that the only way to continuously innovate and meet our customer expectations is through an engaged and productive workforce.